More than 5,000 cancer centers worldwide rely on us for independent, integrated Quality Management. Our solutions span Patient QA, Machine QA, Laser Alignment, Dosimetry and Diagnostic QA.
Machine QA solutions enable daily, monthly and annual QA – while ensuring Patient Safety. Review key solutions below.
Daily, Monthly & Annual QA
Our established Machine QA solutions have been proven over years of clinical use and a wealth of published literature.
Real-Time, Tankless Beam Scanning
IC PROFILER™ provides powerful, real-time beam performance data for linac acceptance, routine QA and more. Plus, it offers direct connectivity to SunCHECK® Machine. Download datasheet >
Daily Beam Quality Analysis in One Measurement
Daily QA 3™ detects linac beam delivery errors with independence and the utmost efficiency, with direct connectivity to SunCHECK® Machine. Download datasheet >
Machine QA in a Single Workflow
SunCHECK® Machine integrates all Machine QA — from Daily Output checks to Annual QA tasks, and everything in between — with visibility for all stakeholders. Download datasheet >
Stereotactic & MRgRT Delivery Machine QA
As these treatment delivery types increase, Sun Nuclear offers custom solutions to meet the stringent demands of stereotactic treatments, or address the unique challenges magnetic fields present.
MR-Compliant, Daily Beam Quality Measurement
Daily QA™-MR is the first commercially available daily QA device for MR-linacs. It enables fast beam quality checks in the presence of magnetic fields. Download MR solutions brochure >
MR-Compliant, Real-Time, Tankless Beam Scanning
ViewRay and Elekta rely on IC PROFILER™-MR for system testing, installations and service. MRgRT users around the world rely on it, too – for optimal workflow efficiency. Download MR solutions brochure >
End-to-End Stereotactic QA
StereoPHAN™ streamlines stereotactic end-to-end testing and QA. It's easy and efficient to use — no tools required for setup across tests — and it works with a variety of detectors (ion chambers, film, and SRS MapCHECK). Download datasheet >
Tissue Equivalent Machine QA
SRS MR Distortion Head Phantom
Assess MR image distortion in stereotactic radiosurgery planning. Download datasheet >
Analyze Image Acquisition, Planning and Dose Delivery
The CIRS Dynamic Thorax Phantom is a precision instrument that helps clinicians investigate and mitigate the impact of tumor motion inside a patients lung. Download brochure >
Tissue-Equivalent CT-to-Electron Density Calibration
With the Advanced Electron Density Phantom, ICRU-44 matched tissue equivalence, automation, and smart design all serve to remove uncertainties from your energy conversions. Download datasheet >
“Use of the ICA (IC PROFILER) greatly speeds up the steering process because of its real-time feedback and reduces effort by eliminating the need to setup a 3D water scanning tank.”
Quantification of Beam Steering with an Ionization Chamber Array