23 Entries


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Unified Sun Nuclear, CIRS product portfolio benefits clinical and research QA customers

Sun Nuclear has diversified its independent QA offering with the addition of CIRS tissue-simulation and phantom technologies

October 20, 2022


SunCHECK Quality Management Platform adds SaaS option to streamline deployment

With a new cloud-hosted, software-as-a-service offering, Sun Nuclear builds on the success of its SunCHECK Quality Management Platform

August 1, 2022

New cylindrical water scanning system unlocks efficiencies in beam commissioning, annual QA

The SunSCAN 3D cylindrical water tank helps medical physics teams work smarter when commissioning their radiotherapy systems and carrying out annual machine QA checks

June 20, 2022


Beam quality correction factors for radiation therapy with high energy photon beams

On Friday March 18th, EFOMP released their Spring Newsletter. In the newsletter (on pg. 65) Sun Nuclear has a featured article written by three other authors from the recent paper they published on kQ factors for TG 51, TRS 398 and DIN 6800-2 protocols for the SNC125c and SNC600c chambers.

March 18, 2022


A patient education program that connects patients with physicists

Two years ago, the Tufts Medical Center Medical Physics department implemented a patient education program called Gray’s Academy. The aim was to help demystify radiation therapy for patients and provide knowledge to help ease their worries.

This week, while we celebrate Patient Safety Awareness Week, we talked to the Tufts Medical Center team about how they built this program and what they’ve learned so far.

March 16, 2022

Building a strong stereotactic quality program amid increasing complexities

SRS and SBRT as treatment techniques have seen steady increase in recent years, heightened especially by the pandemic. With growth comes the need for best practices. In this newsletter we highlight one center's experience with accurate, efficient stereotactic QA, particularly for cases with multiple targets.

February 23, 2022

How a relentless focus on efficiency yields results for a large RT network

With the SunCHECK™ Platform, Belgium's largest radiotherapy network sought to automate their Machine QA and gain new, actionable insights from Patient QA. It has now been nearly five years since implementation. For this week's issue, we share an update on how Iridium Netwerk has come to rely on SunCHECK as they optimize Quality Management, and increase Patient Safety.

November 4, 2021

How a VA center meets stringent program requirements

With a program that requires strict adherence to oversight and compliance, the Dayton VA Medical Center recognized a need for a more efficient, standardized way of performing and tracking Quality Management.

In this issue, learn what the Dayton VA Medical Center aimed to achieve by implementing SunCHECK for its Quality Management program.

October 21, 2021

Insights on 'decluttering' Quality Management for radiation therapy

As the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre was preparing to expand to a third site, their Medical Physics department targeted improvement and innovation across the patient QA workflow while removing subjectivity and manual analysis from image-based machine QA.

In this issue, hear from one of their physicists how that decision has enabled Clatterbridge to bring organization, standardization and efficiency to their workflows.

October 7, 2021

A Short Sun Nuclear History Lesson

Recently, Sun Nuclear founder Bill Simon, M.S., gave a virtual tour of some of our solutions, with background on the evolution of Machine and Patient QA over the years, and a small, but significant, innovation.

September 2, 2021